A critical tool for monitoring the level of COVID circulation shows levels of the virus have surged to “very high” or “high” levels in more than half the states across the country, including three in New England, according to the CDC.

Wastewater surveillance data compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show the prevalence of COVID has hit “very high” levels in seven states, including California, Texas, and Florida.

Another 19 states are registering “high” levels, including New Hampshire, Maine, and Connecticut.

The national wastewater surveillance program is considered an early warning system because an increase in the virus that causes COVID-19 often precedes an increase in hospitalizations and confirmed cases.

The national data shows an steady increase in the number of COVID cases over the past 45 days. The most recent data for Massachusetts indicates a “moderate” level of COVID, the CDC said. Citing state data, the Globe reported last week that COVID-19 numbers in the state are below last winter’s peak but are escalating.

As of July 10, levels of COVID in wastewater in Boston and areas to the north and west of the city were more than triple their levels in late April. Cases were also ticking up, according to the Department of Public Health’s latest update on July 3.

The department said it has stopped reporting on respiratory illnesses, including COVID, until Aug. 1, although monitoring efforts will continue.

In the new CDC report, Oregon, Nevada, and Florida are listed as having the highest COVID levels in wastewater, followed by California, Texas, Arkansas, and Maryland.

Vermont has a “moderate” level of the virus circulating, while Rhode Island is seeing “low” levels, the CDC said.

Information from earlier Globe reporting was used in this account.

John R. Ellement can be reached at john.ellement@globe.com. Follow him @JREbosglobe.

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