Ability Signs is a project by Decathlon, a sporting goods retailer, that aims to change how we see disability by reimagining the International Symbol of Access. The project created 25 different icons that depict the symbol with a sport, such as basketball, rugby, and tennis, to showcase the diversity and ability of people with disabilities. The icons are available for free download at the Ability Signs website, and can be used to edit existing signage or create new ones.

The campaign hopes to have a positive effect on society by promoting inclusion, empowerment, and respect for people with disabilities. By highlighting their abilities and passions, the campaign challenges the stereotypes and stigma associated with disability. The campaign also benefits Decathlon’s business by demonstrating its commitment to making sports accessible to all, regardless of discipline or proficiency. The campaign aligns with Decathlon’s mission and values, and helps to build trust and loyalty among its customers.

Image Credit: Decathlon, Campaigns of the World

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