How to spot (and avoid) ultra-processed foods

Chips, peanut butter, bread — these are just a few of the foods in your kitchen that could be ultra-processed, and they make up over half of the average American’s diet. But because of the way they are manufactured, studies have shown that people who eat more ultra-processed food tend to consume more calories. This can lead to increased risk of diseases like diabetes, cancer and heart disease. 

Anahad O’Connor is a health columnist who writes about food and eating for The Post’s Well + Being section. Recently he’s been looking into how ultra-processed foods are made and easy ways to switch them out for minimally processed alternatives

“This is not a black-and-white issue. You don’t have to stop eating all ultra-processed foods. I write about ultra-processed foods and I consume some ultra-processed foods. I just am cognizant about which ones I’m choosing to consume.”

Today’s show was produced by Sabby Robinson. It was mixed by Sean Carter. It was edited by Lucy Perkins. 

Take a listen to our previous reporting on how ultra-processed foods ended up on school lunch trays here.

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