LGBTQ+ Business-Supporting Programs

The Daylight App has partnered with Civil Jewelry to offer a new LGBTQ Luxury Rewards program designed to support the LGBTQ+ community. Through this rewards program, the partnered companies will award 10% cash back to users with FDIC-insured accounts who spend money at LGBTQ-owned, or LGBTQ-allied businesses. Additionally, through the Daylight banking app, users will be able to see how queer-friendly their spending habits are, with transactions highlighted that support the LGBTQ+ cause.

Through this collaboration, Daylight and Civil Jewelry aim to reinforce the notion that fashion, jewelry, and clothing are for everyone, without exceptions. Civil Jewelry CEO Blackly Thornton stated: “Jewelry is about brand value and equality,” when speaking on the importance of supportive campaigns such as this one.

Civil Jewelry is not the first company that Daylight has partnered with to support a positive cause, as the app has previously partnered with a number of LGBTQ-owned, LGBTQ-friendly, and Black-owned businesses for similar promotions.

Image Credit: The Daylight App

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