Pet-Friendly Offices Grants

Pet-Friendly Offices Grants : Pet-Friendly Offices Grants

CESAR, the popular dog food brand, is taking the initiative to promote Take Your Dog to Work Day, which falls on Friday 23rd June this year. The brand is encouraging dog owners to take their furry companions to work and submit an “expense report” with a photo of their lunch together in order to receive a $10 prepaid card and two CESAR WHOLESOME BOWLS. CESAR believes that dogs are not just pets, but companions that should be taken everywhere, including the office.

The company is also launching the 2023 CESAR Workplace Grants, which will help companies make simple changes to welcome dogs into their offices. The grants will award $75,000 across more than 15 businesses that support dogs in the workplace. CESAR conducted market research, which found that 90% of dog owners in pet-friendly offices say bringing their dogs to work makes their jobs more enjoyable (96%), improves their attitude towards work (93%) and increases their happiness at work (94%).

TrendHunter – Source link

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