Women-Supporting Clothing Brands

Women-Supporting Clothing Brands : sozy

Sozy is a clothing brand that aims to empower women with soft and comfortable clothing while also supporting women who are victims of violence. The brand was founded by Lanai Moliterno, who wanted women to feel comfortable all day long in their clothes. Sozy offers a variety of styles, such as dresses, skirts, jumpsuits, tops, and pants, that are designed to be flattering and fabulous.

But Sozy is not just about fashion. It is also about making a positive impact in the world through its social and environmental giving. The brand donates 10% of its profits to support survivors of sexual violence, partnering with RAINN, the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization. It also donates another 10% of its profits to support other charitable and environmental initiatives, such as planting trees, offsetting carbon emissions, recovering ocean-bound plastic, and becoming a certified B Corporation. By purchasing from Sozy, customers can feel the difference while making one.

This is a form of mission-driven loyalty, as the company appeals to those willing to support and contribute to its cause. Additionally, the company values transparency and authenticity, which further improves its relationship with its consumers.

Image Credit: Sozy

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